Fehler #5
Fehler #1: zufällige OOPSses / Error 500 / beim speichern von Modulen
find cause for strange relation queries when updating a Modul text fields
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when updating a Modul entry and only the text-fields or some other table fields are modified, Doctrine issues queries like:
UPDATE modules_required SET required_id = ? WHERE module_id = ? AND required_id = ? - (19, 19, 5)
The parameters in this queries vary, but follow the pattern (x,x,y) and are totaly unrelated to the current modified module.
This leads to self-referencing entries in modules_required and because more than one of this queries is issued leads to a contraint violation in the database.
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#1 Von Daniel Reiche vor etwa 14 Jahren aktualisiert
- Beschreibung aktualisiert (diff)
- Status wurde von Neu zu Abgewiesen geändert